[APPROVED] Unban Request


New member
Oct 15, 2012
a. In-game Name: KoZ
b. Server: DarkRP
c. Time Banned: 10-15-12 at 11:15
d. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:14772968
e. Your Explanation of why you should be unbanned?
I should be unbanned because I never prop killed anyone or crashed the server. NuclearPancakes kept throwing me in the air with the prop so I threw him back with a piece of glass onto the gunshop roof. Shortly after the server crashed and I was banned permanently for crashing it when I didn't.
I'll wait to see what everyone else says but this is what I know

1. You and NuclearPancakes™ are friends and joined the server at the same time he crashed the server twice and since you join with him and are on his friends list it looks rather suspicious along with reason 2 all which happened only a few minutes after you joined. that's the reason that the Server crashing was added to the ban because I thought you where in on it.

2. The prop pushing / prop killing was reported to me while I was in the process of banning NuclearPancakes™ the person who witnessed it will have to post on that section of the ban.

While the ban reason was (prop killing / server crashing) while the server crashing part can be taken off that just leaves the prop killing part and once the person who witnessed it posts I can make a determination on unbanning you hopefully sometime in the next few hours.
As fire stated I was watching you prop push people with the skyglass prop, you did it to 4 people including me.
At the intersection by the pawn shop KoZ was spawning the dreaded skylight glass piece prop and I watched him fling 2-3 people up in the air I then walked next to him hoping he would notice me which he did and then he did it to me. It was then at that point NuclearPancakes had crashed the server
I don't want this to turn into a huge argument, but I only flung Nuclear panda in the air. If you were watching the entire time it was Nuclear who was flinging people around the gunshop. I did it in defense against him. I can admit to throwing him around, but that's the only person I did it to.