New Melee Weapon

If you haven't noticed, the melee detection it awful, which is probably why there aren't more. Arrest sticks are a good example of the awful detection.
I agree with Hucota on this one. I feel like melee weapons would disrupt the combat system and just be weird. I mean imagine someone jumping around dodging bullets to get close to and hit their opponent. It would be more of the civil protection running with the arrest baton situation. Even melee on melee fights in gmod are weird imo.
If there was away to make the detection better this would be great, because I cant shoot guns so I look for others ways to kill.
Yeah. I was thinking the detection could be ripped out of the fists swep and put into something like a bat, or used to improve the knife and batons.
maybe a melee or a 2 by 4. something that would fit the setting of the maps the rp server plays on

- - - Updated - - -

Brick* forgot to add that after melee
People would likely be confused with crowbars and lockpicks.
Also, if I remember correctly, crowbars don't have a world model.
Unless some things are changed about the crowbar it would be extremely over powered. It kills in two hits and swings faster than lightning.