Ammo Dispenser


Apr 27, 2012
I'm pretty sure this idea has come up before, but it hasn't been posted. Until now anyway.
Upon using the ammo dispenser, a simple menu pops up with Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun ammo buttons. Each button brings up a submenu, consisting of 5 or so selections. 30 ammo, 60 ammo, and so on. The more ammo is bought the higher the discount percentage is. 120 ammo, 10% off for example, and 30 ammo 0% off.
The benefits to a dispenser system:
-More business for gun dealers
-Greater RP aspect; players would have to visit a dealer for ammo. If there is none, ammo can be bought normally. (Similarly to /buyhealth with medic)
The models to be used:
models/Items/ammocrate_smg1.mdl - Ammo Dispenser
models/Items/BoxSRounds.mdl - Pistol Ammo
models/Items/BoxMRounds.mdl - Rifle Ammo
models/Items/BoxBuckshot.mdl - Shotgun Ammo
I'd really like to see this implimented, and I'm sure some others would as well.
This is quite a good idea Hucota. Ive actually never heard of this "ammo dispenser" but I think this could be useful in the game. Does the gundealer have to pay for the ammo dispenser?
Yeah, I figured it'd be like a gunlab. But, ya know. An ammo lab instead.

Also, will nanoflex ever be implimented? Just curiosity because if so it could be put in with this.
There's a similar device in ByB named Ammo Machine. Basically, it creates ammo. If any of you have seen the ByB printer, it's like the same thing but instead of money it gives ammo and the ammo counts for all three types of ammo *Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol* There is no model for the ammo, it just sits in the ammo machine until you hit use on it. Using this would probably reduce the coding that has to be done as well.
So ByB printers don't drop entities, just holds a value? I remember those from another server I've played.
Having the entities however gives the gang a bit of a chance to nick it before the buyer can pick it up. So, again, it contributes an RP element.
The only problem I can think of is if a noob becomes gun dealer and then doesn't know how to /doesn't have the funds / etc to buy it. Then again, he could just be demoted, or someone else become dealer.
I like it, Gun dealers get very little business and people just get really good with weapons that you dont buy from gun dealer (me :p). This would also give thieves a reason to not always target gun dealers, because they might not sell them ammo if they do ;D
This would also make raiding the gun dealers more beneficial to the gang. They could steal it use it for them self, or flip it and sell it on the corner to make a profit it all matters if it can be in the pocketed or not.
I'm thinking so, yeah. That would go in the gun section of the pockets I suppose, or items. I'm pretty sure there's an unused tab so the ammo could go there.
Well in that case the gang could make profit. Also will have the gun dealers on their toes more often. I feel there is not much raiding that goes on or maybe it just does not succeed that often.
Raiding of dealers tends to be fruitless, because:
-They never have enough money for shipments
-You can pocket shipments anyway

However, the addition of the ammo dispenser would give more business to the gun dealers, as well as something extra to raid for for the gang.