[APPROVED] Follow up

Feb 2, 2011
A. Player Name Rocket117 (original player name ChucklesTheCheat)
B. One of the many RKSzone servers in Master Sword Continued.
C. Some time in October or November.
D. STEAM_0:1:28441817
E. This is a follow up post the un-ban request i posted four months ago, basically it's been a long time, since I requested the un-ban and a long time since the original ban took place, it's been a long time with out MSC in my blood and i really crave to play the game once more on your servers. I realize this isn't a good reason but please take in consideration the length of how long this ban has been in place.
I think what I meant is that I denied this unban request.
His latest post on MSC is immature also, and it tends to support the unban denial.
The problem I have is that he lied multiple times to get an unban on the MSC forums, and now came on here to request. I think Im going to deny this.

Your previous unban request was denied, i doubt reposting several months later will help, but feel free to.
Well it's not like i'm not going to try, where's the fun if i don't keep trying so the admins can torture me some more.
Close this thread please, seeing as no one isn't responding and since i doubt i was going to get unbanned either way
Thanks for letting me know finally lol, i can't wait for it to expire. :D I want to get some game time in before the world ends and the world becomes like fall out except with more water
Dont worry py has been a little busy it is good that you posted to remind him he will get you unbanned when he can get around to it