[REJECTED] darkman87 ban request


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
Memphis, TN (Usa)
request for ban darkman87 steam id STEAM_0:1:18175222 16:38 63 0
Darkman87 was randomly stealing stuff, attacking other players, and being a general A-hole. Jake was there with me. he will bring in some shots of it.
no, in go fish. This guy was killing players with RPGs, destroying our stuff, killing green NPCs only, throwing away fishing rods, and other high-minge activities. got another one just like him.
"majordamage" STEAM_0:1:17072510
reason for banning? same as darkman
I think u supposed to follow PY's new ban request format:

Record the player who is breaking the rules using FRAPS(for fraps, you must follow the directions below) or take a Demo or provide some sort of evidence. At the minimum provide the date and time when the infraction took place so that we can find the server logs detailing the incident.
  1. Create a new topic on this forums and include the following information.
    a. Player's In Game Name
    b. Player's Steam ID (ex: STEAM_0:0:12345678)
    c. Attach the evidence to the topic.
    d. Time and Date
    e. Server IP and Port
    f. Explain why this user should be banned or disciplined.
  2. Go to http://www.rkszone.com/apps/sourcebans/index.php?p=submit and submit a ban request.
  3. A Admin will review the request and appropriate server logs before making a decision. The decision will be posted to the topic you made and implemented on all or corresponding servers
Preferred Evidence
Demo from the game.

Unacceptable Evidence.

Picture or Screenshots will not be accepted as evidence. They can be manipulated and forged. FRAPS recordings are only acceptable if it clearly display the infraction taking place and each player on the recording is recognizable. A console command "status" must be executed and it's results recorded in the FRAPS recording. No parts are allowed to be edited. It must be a continuous file (no transisions or any type of edits). All FRAPS submissions will be examined by a video editing specialist for hints of edits. If you need to upload multiple scenes, do so in multiple FRAPs recordings. However, each recording must clearly show the console command "status" being run and its results at some point preferrably before the recording is taken in the media.

Want to request a ban anonymously?
PM PY004, Narlex, or Darthkatzs with the above information and we will discuss this matter privately. You should still submit a ban request at http://www.rkszone.com/apps/sourceba...x.php?p=submit which is anonymous.
I have all the proof you need right here! Screenshots!
You can do both, but if doing it both ways guarentees that the ban will be taken care of within 48 hours at the latest (95% confidence interval of 24 hours). The other way can take up to 2 weeks for darth to get time to look up info on the server logs.
no, in go fish. This guy was killing players with RPGs, destroying our stuff, killing green NPCs only, throwing away fishing rods, and other high-minge activities. got another one just like him.
"majordamage" STEAM_0:1:17072510
reason for banning? same as darkman

ok i understand you. You seem to have a problem with these guys, well if they are prop pushing and DMing everyone... taht should be ban