Saimone??? Who is he?


Founder of RKS
Staff member
Nov 11, 2008
New York City

I have found out by tracing his/her IP that was logged by the server when he/she joined the Stranded server. It linked him/her to Texas, pretty close to McKinney. During this time he/she claimed that he/she was in Canada as it was a pain to do the visa. That's the first lie.

Second lie, there is no such "Asron Computers" or any other entity called "Asron". At least not one that I could find. Searches in various business registries resulted in no hits. If Asron was as awesome and large as he/she states, it would be easily found. She claimed that it had the ability to manufacture custom computer parts including but not limited to processors, graphics cards, hard drives, etc. He/She also claimed that her graphics cards were from ASron and therefore 1000 times more powerful than any graphics processor.

Third lie, claim that Asron uses "Asron Hardware" that runs specific "Asron Software" designed soley in "HTML". According to him/her, HTML can only run on "Asron Hardware" and will physically damage any other computer attempting to run it.

Fourth lie, claimed him/her was a expert in computers. This is apparently not true as he/she claimed that his/her computer is superior to a Intel Core i7 980X. Claimed that everything including the processor was custom designed. Claimed that his/her computer's hard drive was couple TB large, made in specially technology that makes it "1000X faster than the hard drive [a regular] computer [have ...]". Furthermore, failed to recognize what a scripting language is, difference between Java and Javascript, as well as the basic concept of a object. Claimed that her computer was some "ICBM" nonsense name that I can't even remember anymore.

I suggest that if he/she contacts you, you stay away. I had a feeling that this person was not who he/she claimed to be. I had this research done as a result to find out.

Also, TB002 is now considered untrustable. He has since been removed from my "awesome people list".

09:52 PM - <Cyclone Consortium> Saimone: he said you kept saying i wus a "lie"
09:53 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: lol but you were
09:53 PM - <Cyclone Consortium> Saimone: says who
09:53 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: ur ip traces to texas
09:53 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: ur steam profile was created in texas
09:53 PM - <Cyclone Consortium> Saimone: yeh cause i live there now
09:54 PM - <Cyclone Consortium> Saimone: uh duh
09:54 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: a search in the canadian business registry revealed no asron
09:54 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: there is no such thing as a "ICBM" whatever computer
09:54 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: you cant custom design chips without spending many years in research and development
09:54 PM - <Cyclone Consortium> Saimone: >.> just leave me alone, this isnt originally my account, i was recently fired from asron, and i take too much shit already. burn off
09:54 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: whatever you say.
09:55 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: still doesnt explain why you were in texas when you claimed you were in some remote city of "iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada".
09:55 PM - RKS | PY004 [LDR]: even right now this connection is coming from texas... it always was.
<Cyclone Consortium> Saimone is now Offline.
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DarthShamiz, Hoemaster49, DD, and that anime kid
I got an extreme amount of pleasure from reading this. Only further corroborating PY's story is that the fact that when faced with a situation that would otherwise be non-confrontational, this person turned this situation into a confrontational one and became exceedingly aggressive. I can further prove this if anyone is interested but I really doubt that anyone is so I'll just say, tip of the hat for PY and wag of the finger for Saimone, and the people who were like 'can I haz ur stuff'.
I got an extreme amount of pleasure from reading this. Only further corroborating PY's story is that the fact that when faced with a situation that would otherwise be non-confrontational, this person turned this situation into a confrontational one and became exceedingly aggressive. I can further prove this if anyone is interested but I really doubt that anyone is so I'll just say, tip of the hat for PY and wag of the finger for Saimone, and the people who were like 'can I haz ur stuff'.

shut up you aren't smart olololroflturtles

is a /sarcasm necessary?
Cool story, don't need a thesaurus for forum posts

This was @dirty, apparently house beat me at insulting him by a mere 8 seconds
yes you're right, read the small text hurp durr

didn't think it was needed until I realized all the seriousface going on in thing thread... I mean comon

chill out. seriously. I saw the small text I just didn't think you did.

Back on topic. So I am still unfamiliar with the whole story. What happened exactly.
PY004 bought out asron, and now employs the resilient Chinese workforce in factories in western China to produce supercomputers like his.