Starting the year off with a bang!!!!


Event Manager
Apr 15, 2009
Alright, as most of you know I haven't been doing so well in coming up with the events department for the RKS community. However that is about to change. So lets jump right into it.

These events will take place after the large holiday event on the 16th of January being hosted by RKSzone.

Event 1)

Metal Carnage.

Game: Garry's Mod

Date: Unannounced

Time: To be Disclosed

Map Required: Not Chosen Yet

Required Addons: SCars ( )
Wire Mod

Rules and regulations: There are not many rules or regulations other then you require a team of a MINIMAL 2 people. Maximum is limited to the chosen vehicle. Rules of the cars are that the driver is only allowed to drive and is responsible for choosing the car that the team will take into the Metal Carnage (both consisting of possible races and pure Destruction Derby) and will be chief of tuning and other various aspects of the vehicle. The passenger is only allowed to modify the vehicle with addons. Each vehicle is allowed on 2 addons. Being either 2 offensive, defensive, or speed boosting. You can combine such addons and yes a wire expression chip counts as 1 addon to the vehicle in a defensive manner. For every passenger above 2 the vehicle is allotted 1 extra equipment slot. Sport cars are allowed a maximum power of 7500, and max speed of 5000 in the Tuner tool setting. Sport Cars are only allowed a Turbo Effect (Shift key when pressed) of 2, and a duration of 5 Maximum. Whereas all vehicles are required a standard Turbo Delay of 15. I will now list the vehicles and other various things to be noted of each vehicle type.

Sport cars: Allowed Maximum Health of 375 and Fuel Consumption cannot be lower than 6.5

Ford GT

Sedan Cars: Allowed a max power of 4750, and speed of 3550. However, the Sedan Cars are allowed a Turbo Effect of 3.5, a Duration of 7.2, Maximum Health of 545, and Fuel consumption no lower than 4.7

Police Impala
Chevy 66
Impala 88

Large Cars: Allowed a Max power of 8220, max speed of 2600. The trade off for this is that the Large Cars are allowed a Turbo Effect of 7, a Duration of 10, a Maximum Health of 780, and a Fuel Consumption no lower than 4.9

Borderland Bus

Junkers: Allowed a Max power of 4000, max speed of 3120. The Turbo Effect can be no higher than 10, a Duration of 5.6, and a Maximum Health of 485. The junker's trade off is that their fuel consumption is no lower than 1.9

Any vehicle with the name Junker in it.


This is all subject to change and more info will be released upon more conversations with Py004


Event 2) To all you GGO faithful, that's right, we're having a large event that I hope will last 5+ hours. When this will be I am not sure yet. However attendees will be rewarded with the following.

A) Random level gain up to 10
B) up to 3 new skills, spells, or abilities, even currently training ones within reason and possible modification to the selected items.
C) 1 Rare custom event item
D) A RunMap Submission Ticked

Some of you may be wondering about D. What this is, is allows you the player to create a mission/campaign map that will be run by you the players. You may populate with your own monsters, items, and other things that you so choose to want to be included. If you generalize most things I will fill in the blanks and hold no responsibility if any of the intended actions or outcomes of something you may put in is not preserved to what you had intended. So in short, if you use the ticket and want something to be specific and be a certain way, define it specifically.

As the above event, this event is TBA (To Be Announced) on further details.


If you have any questions about these events, please contact me and I will do my best to answer what questions you may have.

Thank you all for reading and enjoy from your Friendly Event Manager, Guppy =P
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Feel free to post any questions here if you feel comfortable doing so also
For race event are there any limitations on hydraulics??
And whats GGO stand for?

Not sure if I am going to limit the hydraulics, still debating on that.

I believe its Guppy's game but the O i have no idea :p

the O is for Online. Guppy's Game Online

For the Metal Carnage event... Can we go all out with wire protection and weaponry?

You can, just remember you're only allowed 2 equipment slots currently, and a Wire Chip counts as 1 slot currently. Not sure if I will lower or modify this for certain chips such as wire gates or constant value chips. Currently under debate is a Wire Camera Controller.